Two main timelines are splitting up in front of our eyes and with greater clarity than before. (A variety of timelines are available to us at any time. It goes beyond that even: our soul seems to inhabit numerous bodies and timelines at the same time. Since time is an illusion, and time the way we measure it a construct of our 3D matrix, this makes sense. Because this premise requires more explanation, this particular topic will be treated in a separate article.) Both of these opposite realities are happening now. We are faced with the task to choose our experience and what we desire to co-create, whether consciously or unconsciously.
Do we let the mind virus and the fear-based ego dictate? Then we choose the Big Illusion, in other words hell. Do we instead make the effort to raise our frequency into higher vibrational realms, opening our heart to the Divine/Prime Creator and to true Love and authenticity? Then we get to glimpse and eventually step through the door to a heaven on earth awaiting to be co-created and experienced.
Our souls have decided to incarnate during a crucial time in earth’s evolution. She is ascending into a higher vibration, and we have a unique chance to make the ascension into a less material, more ethereal dimension along with her. At the same time, the lower realms will not only continue to exist in parallel for those who, whether aware of their choice or not, keep sleepwalking through life. They will proceed on their trajectory to a dystopia few can imagine, and to their own personal hell. This is not a flippant or metaphorical statement either.
We have been programmed with a fear-based belief system in order to be easier to control and enslave. Based on the lies of scarcity, separation, domination, manipulation, abuse, power over others, focus on service to self, it automatically leads to hell on earth. Or haven’t you noticed that it is these very beliefs that have caused havoc in your life up until now? It is playing out right in front of us. Unnecessary wars, man-made famine and fires, artificially created diseases, unnatural weather events and upheavals, separation, antagonization, alienation, the fabricated descent into poverty… How much of this have we seen in recent news and experienced personally!
Becoming our true, empowered selves by aligning heart, mind and spirit
“Mankind now presides over the transition of the ages, with the opportunity and choice to realize heaven on Earth with the caveat that we gain knowledge through the unification of heart and mind,” as Bear Lando so eloquently puts it. Yes, as much as we need to unify the left and the right brain hemispheres, which otherwise by their very design keep us in a reality of dualism and opposition, we now need to unify our heart and mind. I would even say that the mind should be put in the service of the heart, because the latter has access to wisdom and intuition, as well as being the portal to Love. (I don’t mean sentimental or needy love, which is what we read about in novels and what most of us mistake for the real thing, having been conditioned by Hollywood and Bollywood to do so.)
Heaven and hell coexist. They are here with us, at the same time, in the same space. But they vibrate at radically different frequencies. You know that when you turn the knob on a radio, you go from one radio station to another. You can choose a frequency that broadcasts heavy metal, or one that plays classical music, or popular music and so on. It’s the same radio that sends out all these divergent tunes, while you are in the same room. You choose what you get to hear by turning the knob. The atmosphere you create by the type of music you access through your selection can be completely different, depending on the channel – AM or FM, 103 or 109.5? Everything remains the same, except for the frequency you tune into.
The same principle applies to life in general. Depending on the main frequency you vibrate at, your reality can be wonderful or dreadful. If envy and greed are your dominant states, you will see competition everywhere. People who have more than you abound, to be resented. At the same time, in the same environment, someone whose dominant frequencies are joy and gratitude will revel in cooperating with like-minded people and in the abundance of nature all around them.
Granted, the “powers that shouldn’t be” are doing their utmost to push all of us into misery by creating as much of it as possible all over the world. They have never forgotten how to manipulate reality, and us. While increasing the ways to do so with destructive technologies, these forces of darkness, which we can justly call Satanic, lack the creative power we, human beings, are endowed with. Hence, they are directing us into co-creating hell on earth for them. And, by remaining unconscious, we oblige! We let them lead us by the noose.
On the other side, triggered by novel frequencies emanating from the sun, the central brain of the solar system, we have the planetary impetus to transform. Or have you not noticed the battle between light and darkness, called God and the Devil by religions, being waged on our planet? We find ourselves in the midst of it, and we are asked to pick a side. Truly, it’s not a time for the faint of heart.
Increased awareness and a lot of willpower are required to resist the easy way: the slippery slope into a transhumanist nightmare. The descent into darkness requires less energy than the ascent into the Light. The Higher Road has never been the easy road. This doesn’t mean we have to struggle and fight by pushing against the low frequency mainstream current. Instead, it’s a matter of self-work. We are invited to release our own heavy baggage that weighs us down – trauma, negative emotions, destructive beliefs, selfish values. Clearing our body and energy field of this junk is a must if we intend to ascend to a higher, lighter reality!
The path to self-empowerment and self-reliance
This is my motivation for doing the work I have been doing for well over 25 years. I started empowering people while working for a global corporation. As the cultural ambassador of my company, I was responsible for facilitating its transformation from a patriarchal, top-down structure to one of teamwork and personal responsibility. This entailed for each individual employee to let go of following a father figure, of reliance on others, in this case the company, in the hope of being taken care of. It meant developing their own capabilities and their self-reliance, letting go of the illusionary crutches offered by an employer or the nanny state.
The need of the day, which I perceived 30 years ago, has not changed, except that most companies will become even more ruthless in replacing employees with robots and AI. The nanny states all over the world are compensating by making us hand over our power and depend on them. Or what do you think the push to introduce a Universal Basic Income is about? This topic requires its own article. But I am sure you can see where it leads when most people become dependent on the government to feed them…
It’s an easy task for them because we have been conditioned to look for co-dependent relationships all our lives. From our parents to our employers to our partners, we have learned to rely on others for our wellbeing, if not our survival. I am not saying we should be islands. But being whole also means being self-sufficient. Not needing others to feel complete. That is when, instead of feeling urged, we can choose to be with others, be it a boss or a spouse. Only then can we discover what real Love means. Contrary to what we have been told, “I need you” is very different from “I love you”.
When two self-sufficient people come together, a synergetic effect takes place. This type of interdependency, rather than co-dependency, is not parasitic. We don’t need to suck each other’s energy dry to survive or feel happy. When we feel needy, when we seek other people’s approval, when we can’t be without them, it is because we crave their energy to feel good, or whole. We are not self-reliant. We have forgotten that we can at any time open to the energy of the earth as well as the energy of Prime Creator or Source by grounding ourselves – opening our first chakra – and by opening the 7th chakra to the heavenly energies. When we channel the planetary and the universal energies through our own body, we become centred and empowered!
Wake up to who you truly are!
When two or more people in that state come together, nothing is impossible. That’s how powerful we truly are! We are Divine co-creators! This is why we incarnated in a physical body on this three-dimensional plane: To co-create physical reality! It’s a bit like a child in a sandbox who creates a sand cake, then destroys it to make a bigger one. We can do this here on planet earth. Whether we create things of beauty or ugliness, abundance or scarcity is in our hands! Instead, most of us play small, mistakenly believing that others have power over us and that we are weak and dependent. This is the Big Lie we have been living! We are offered the opportunity to wake up from this illusion to step into our true nature, our authentic Selves as Divine co-creators! What is your preference: dependency or personal power, hell or heaven on earth? I invite you to choose consciously, and to act accordingly, in alignment with your decision. Use this opportunity to become a conduit for the incoming radiance that will dissipate the darkness we have endured for so long.