Choosing the light in these transformative times

A new era of the earth’s evolutionary cycle is dawning. The impulse for transformation is stirring in all of us. As she raises her frequency, we too have a unique chance to leap to a higher octave of consciousness. We can transmute our pain into light​.

Compared to a few years ago, does the world look very different to you too? Can you hear the rumble of tectonic plates shifting underneath your feet? Have you experienced a lack of safety and security, with old-held beliefs changing, institutions crumbling and relationships ending? Not to mention the constant fearmongering by the voices in the media, and their artificial fragmenting of society. “Divide and rule” seems to work better today than ever, thanks to the mainstream and (anti)social media!

The earth is entering a new era in her evolutionary cycle, and it is shaking things up for all of us. The foundations that used to provide us with a sense of safety – our jobs and businesses, worldview, values, beliefs, institutions and even close relationships – are shacking.

In these end-times – the end of the old and the birthing of the new earth – humanity stands at a critical juncture. Each one of us is deciding, consciously or unconsciously, whether to “upgrade”, as it is sold to us by the technocrats, by merging with technology, or whether to transcend and vibrate at a higher frequency as a genuine, organic Human 2.0.

Hollywood has primed us for a leap into a technological future for decades, painting AI as inevitable, robots as our friends and artificial limbs and superhuman capabilities as something to strive towards. To each his own. I can’t speak for you. I do know, however, where I stand on this subject and where I draw my line in the sand. I also know that authentic human beings have untapped capabilities that would put technology to shame! What is a cell phone if not a substitute for telepathy? Yet, telepathy needs no cell towers, no chips, no device. It doesn’t run out of battery power and can’t be forgotten in a cab or dropped into the toilet. (I am aware that the technology to implant a “phone” into our brain exists; this warrants an article by itself.) What is a computer if not a replacement for a fully functioning brain? The brain is right there, wherever you go, no need to carry it along in a bag or your pocket! People trained in remote viewing don’t need spying drones and satellites. Those who can bilocate or leave their body and travel to any location, including off planet, need neither planes nor rockets nor space stations.

The human brain, besides having tremendous computing power when it is developed (I don’t think anyone knows what the limits of the human brain are), is also capable of creative thinking and innovation. When connected to the intelligence of the heart, with its wisdom, intuition, empathy and the ability to listen to Divine guidance, we can become what would be considered superhuman. While remaining carbon-based and independent of technological devices!

As a Transformational Coach and Multidimensional Healer, I am interested in helping you upgrade organically, following your own soul’s design so that you can access more of your God-given talents and qualities. My motivation is to see my clients experience more of who they are: step outside of the box they were conditioned to remain in, search for the truth behind the illusion, strive to create more beauty and show up more authentically. I wish for you to shine more brightly!

The alchemy of turning your pain into light.

In the current scenario, this is a tall order.  The global upheaval may leave you feeling anxious, overwhelmed, angry or grieving for what you lost, or fear to lose. It may prompt you to resort to addictions, or to simply tune out. None of these low vibrational options uplift or empower you. It has been said many times, and it still stands true: The only way out is through. To move to a higher octave of our evolutionary journey, we must face the darkness – the mythological Dragon – outside as well as within us. And we are asked to vanquish it!

As we walk the Hero’s Journey, we grow into a higher, more multifaceted version of ourselves. That is the price that awaits us at completion. Granted, this is not for the faint of heart. The caterpillar  dissolves into a murky soup in the chrysalis first, before it emerges as an ethereal butterfly – transformed!

Your authentic Self will need to tame your ego, which does not like the thought of lessening its grip, let alone of dissolving! You can count on its resistance to such a life-changing undertaking. Healing – becoming whole – entails integrating the shadow aspects that the fear-based ego dreads to acknowledge. The dualistic mind has to be put in service of the intuitive heart. It means leaving behind our conditioning and what we believed reality to be, to open the curtain onto a completely different scene. 

We realize that most of what we were told and have learned is an inversion of the truth. This is hard to accept for the ego-mind, and it tends to fight the unveiling at every turn. It is this resistance that creates suffering and makes the Great Work more difficult and painful than it could be. On the other hand, thanks to modalities that have appeared just in time, this process has become more elegant: swifter and less painful than it used to be even a decade ago.

As you advance on this path and balance your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes, you increasingly tap into your previously hidden faculties. Your inner senses, including your intuition, sharpen. You become more empathic and also discerning. The Truth begins to reveal itself to you as you grow in understanding and in your capacity to grok it. Eventually, you recognize that you have become the change you want to see in this emerging world!

We realize that most of what we were told and have learned is an inversion of the truth. This is hard to accept for the ego-mind, and it tends to fight the unveiling at every turn. It is this resistance that creates suffering and makes the Great Work more difficult and painful than it could be. On the other hand, thanks to modalities that have appeared just in time, this process has become more elegant: swifter and less painful than it used to be even a decade ago.

As you advance on this path and balance your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes, you increasingly tap into your previously hidden faculties. Your inner senses, including your intuition, sharpen. You become more empathic and also discerning. The Truth begins to reveal itself to you as you grow in understanding and in your capacity to grok it. Eventually, you recognize that you have become the change you want to see in this emerging world!

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

The butterfly will never regress into a caterpillar. Transformation is a one-way process. The same way, when you have stood up to your fears and integrated your pain, you will have left behind many of your limitations and illusions. You will not believe that you are weak and powerless anymore. You will leave this big lie behind as you step into the light of who you truly are, with your wings shimmering in the sunlight!

This Great Work is your most important gift to yourself and your loved ones and your greatest contribution to the entirety of what is, or God. Because you are not a mechanical robot or a clone, there is no one else exactly like you, there has never been and there will never be. You are asked to show up as your true essence in this play called life. You won’t have to search for meaning anymore. You did not incarnate to copy others. You came here to embody your authentic Self – your soul, spirit, light – and to experience who You truly are, a co-creator with the Divine. That is the purpose of your life!

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