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Methods Used
“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakes.”
– C. G. Jung
Work with me from the comfort of your home, as I conduct TCMH sessions remotely. We communicate online or on the phone, and via “Ethernet”, as I call the intelligent energy that connects us, in fact everything, regardless of physical distance and time. Via this invisible element – also called prana, orgone energy, zero point, the (morphic or Quantum) Field, the breath of life etc. – my consciousness interacts with yours in the eternal Now.
Transformational Coaching
“If you treat a man as he appears to be, you make him worse than he is. But if you treat a man as if he already were what he potentially could be, You make him what he is destined to be.” –Wolfgang Goethe
Transformational Coaching is the most powerful coaching approach I know of. It was developed by one of the top international coaches and trainer of trainers, Christopher Howard, and includes Eriksonian Hypnosis, NLP, Neurological Re-Patterning, Precision Re-Patterning, Response Re-Patterning and Performance Coaching. I enhance his method with shadow work, Energy-Psychology and energy healing modalities.
A compilation of hypnosis and neuro linguistics formulated in conjunction with quantum physics and all that we know of the brain’s functioning to create reality. Designed to interrupt thought and behavioural patterns to then create new responses and choices that work toward preferred outcomes. Increases personal power by breaking old patterns of behaviour and increasing options, while also encouraging clients to take responsibility for their lives.
Deliberate process of generating new neurological connections to past events in order to create empowering behaviours and responses, and therefore better outcomes. Makes use of techniques that take client to the past to unhook the problem at the root cause.
Changing a like to a dislike and vice versa, to overcome phobias and addictions, for instance.
An approach to communication, personal development and psychotherapy created by Richard Bandler (mathematician) and John Grinder (linguistic professor). Enhances the healing process by changing the conscious and subconscious beliefs of clients They are reprogrammed using a variety of techniques drawn from other disciplines including hypnotherapy and psychotherapy.
Assessing a problem to determine what concerned individuals need to do to solve it. It can include resolving issues of conflicting values within the management of a company, conducting cost-benefit analysis, conflict mediation etc. Performance Consultants using the tools of Neurological Re-patterning is uniquely effective:
- Recognize deeper issues (beliefs, values, Meta Programs etc.) behind the stated problem.
- Tools to induce necessary changes in behaviour, thought and language patterns, strategies, physiology and emotional states.
- In-depth knowledge and understanding of how people cause their external experience from their internal realities.
- Communication mastery and rapport skills to convey what needs to change in such a way they understand it on both conscious and unconscious levels, thereby making the change deep and long-lasting.
- Ability to empower others to achieve their goals within any given situation.
A light trance where indirect rather than direct suggestions are given for a therapeutic purpose, making them harder to resist by the conscious mind. It is important to realize that we cannot hypnotize someone against their will. The trance state is nothing extraordinary or to be feared, provided the intention of the therapist is in alignment with the client’s highest interest.
What is commonly called shadow work is an integral part of Transformational Coaching, since we clean up dysfunctions and reprogram the subconscious mind so that it serves the client’s highest interest.
My years of study of and experience with the physical, emotional, mental and energy bodies have taught me the importance of including them all in the process of transformation. I have thus enhanced Christopher Howard’s methodology by including other modalities I am trained in to create a truly holistic style.
allows the system to process the changes the client is undergoing faster. It enhances detoxification on the physical as well as mental, emotional and spiritual levels. When we neutralize the negative energy that we have associated with particular memories, the toxins that are released from the cells need to be evacuated. Energy work speeds up the cleansing and the transformation; it smoothens the whole process.
Integrating Energy-Psychology, which is well-suited for remote sessions, brings an additional dimension to the therapeutic process.
Craniosacral Therapy can be performed remotely and via surrogate. It allows me to assess a client’s state in a comprehensive manner and compliments the reprogramming of the subconscious mind; it enriches the process at every level.
“Irma, you are amazing and truly gifted in helping people overcome their fears, phobias, clarify their vision, re-program and fine tune themselves. This program was a very challenging experience for me, however nothing compared to the many positive changes I made in my life soon thereafter. All sessions were meaningful, impactful and, most importantly, successful by applying a “never give up” attitude. You have a strong positive aura and healing energy. Thank you again for your invaluable trust and help!”
Franck, HR Consultant, Singapore
Multidimensional Healing
The (he)art of healing, like any art, is based on the mastery of technique and theoretical and practical understanding of a particular discipline. To this, add years of practice and experience. The highest aspect that turns expertise into art is more difficult to qualify. In my work, it consists of intuition, of the development of inner vision, hearing, knowing, sensing etc. It requires a profound understanding of the person as a whole: their soul and spirit, their relationships and connection the Whole. It entails grasping their essence and revealing it to them. The result is a creative process – born in the eternal now and how it desires to flow in the moment – an expression of love that ultimately adds more beauty and harmony to the world.
You can enjoy remote healing in the comfort of your home, saving you travel time and inconvenience. I interact directly with your energy field, which is in fact faster than hands-on healing, and affects the mental, emotional and physical bodies as well.
For some of the healing methods, I step in as a surrogate. I split my awareness so that I can be in the energy fields of the therapist and the client simultaneously, experiencing the effects of the work at the same time as I am performing it. The real magic happens outside the narrow bandwidth of the limiting 3D reality our conscious mind inhabits, in the fourth and fifth dimensions, and even beyond.
Craniosacral therapy, a branch of cranial osteopathy, is useful in addressing most issues. It is effective on all levels. In Hugh Milne’s “Visionary Craniosacral Therapy”, the psychic aspect of the work is emphasized, leading itself perfectly to hands-off and remote work. Using inner perception, intention and directed energy, I focus on the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid and the wave-like rhythmic pulse that can be perceived throughout the entire body, even via the Field. I sense the motion of this intelligent form of communication to diagnose distortions. Restriction may result from injuries and dysfunctions in other parts of the physical, mental, emotional of spiritual body of the client, including shadow aspects that have been repressed.
Craniosacral therapy rebalances the central nervous system and the brain hemispheres and allows the body to self-heal and self-correct. It encourages the Breath of Life to return to the exiled parts of ourselves so that we can integrate them in a holistic way.
Sacred Journey Therapy (SJT) is a multidimensional, shamanic approach to CranioSacral Therapy. In a meditative state, I use the perception of my inner senses (inner eye, ear, knowing, empathic heart etc.) and intention to communicate with and heal the physical, emotional, mental, astral, and spiritual bodies.
SJT helps release long suppressed emotions, heals ancient wounds, including trauma and karma from other lifetimes in human and non-human form. It also includes miasm release, where low vibrational energies and entities are removed. These otherwise leech energy from a person, leading to depletion, pain and harm. The stronger they are, the more control they exert over someone’s body and mind, causing the loss of personal sovereignty.
When I sense that Trigger Points – physical blockages on muscle tissue that impede the energy flow – are getting in the way of your healing, I release them energetically. The tissue can then detoxify at the physical level.
I developed this healing method as an answer to injuries caused by injections that some of my clients experienced. It includes mudras, mantras and specific energy healing. It aims at encouraging the client’s DNA to not only return to its previous condition, but to an optimized state.
Popular energy healing method that balances the aura and chakras; effective for any type of issue. It promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety and supports the healing process in general. Reiki means Universal Life Force, the chi or prana that flows through all living things. The practitioner channels this Universal Life Force through their body and hands to the client, in my case via the ether.
Chakras are etheric structures that process and transmute energy consciousness. Each major and minor chakra has its own functions, energetically supplies specific organs, while being connected with the entire chakra system.
When a chakra is clogged with energy “gunk”, shrivelled, or even thorn or ripped open because of trauma, this will eventually result in symptoms of some sort. At first, they will be at the spiritual level, which is affected directly by the chakra system. If we don’t pay heed to the subtle signals of our energy body, the mental body will be next to exhibit symptoms like negative thoughts and repetitive thought patterns. Left unaddressed, emotional signs will be next in the form of negative feeling states. When we ignore or suppress fear-based emotions, the body eventually produces physical symptoms of illness. It is not punishing us; it wants attention! Something is out of balance and wants to be resolved and integrated to prevent serious and even fatal consequences. Working with the chakra system is an efficient way to effect change.
Chakra cords, in the context of this method, are the invisible connections we have to the people who are important to us, or upon whom we come to depend for our survival or self-identity. These filaments transmit and receive energy from others. Sometimes this flow goes both ways (as in a healthy and mutually supportive relationship), and other times the flow is mostly one-way, often draining one of the individuals. This is the case in energy vampirism for instance, where someone, instead of sourcing their own energy, sucks someone else’s, leaving them depleted.
With the accumulation of unresolved feelings or difficult memories, cords restrict the vitality of our lives by keeping us “hooked” into old relationships long in need of restoration, or resolution. Cleaning cords allows us to release the past, move fully into the present and create a more desirable future for ourselves. This can be achieved even with those who have died, as the cords often remain attached long after the physical body of the other person has passed on. Once the obstructive or life-negating issues are resolved, the client’s relationships may undergo change. Some connections may even fall away, while new types of relationships become possible.
Each time we interact with someone, be it in person, over the phone or even just in thought, we create new relationship cords connecting us to them. Some may be very ethereal; others have more weight. When these cords are toxic, dysfunctional, or become outlived, they weigh us down energetically. They can also create physical symptoms of dis-ease.
I ask the client’s subconscious to indicate which cords are ready to be releases and we do so gently and lovingly. We do not end the relationship with the person the cord was attached to. We release the aspects of a relationship that don’t serve the client anymore.
Highly effective Korean-style acupressure developed by Prof. Park Jae Woo. By working on specific acupressure points energetically, I unblock and allow the client’s chi to flow unimpeded, thus encouraging healing. I also teach my clients how they can resolve symptoms themselves.
(Surrogate) Energy-Psychology
Reality is holographic and multidimensional. Everything is connected. What you heal in yourself, you heal in your family and lineage, and even in the consciousness field. Because linear time is an illusion – reality being the eternal present – you have a positive impact on what we consider to be the past, the present and the future.
On video or phone calls, I guide my client through one or several of the various forms of Energy-Psychology processes. I can also surrogate for my client and do the work on their behalf. This is particularly useful with:
- children who are too young to follow the process themselves
- people who are unable to visualize
- people who are mentally unable to participate
- clients in a different time zone who I can help while they sleep
- animals and other life forms
Surrogation means that I ask the client’s Higher Self for permission first, before stepping into their energy field and going through the process as “them”, while at the same time conducting the process as the therapist. At the end of the session, I release the surrogation to fully return to my own energy field.
With this simple and direct way to change self-limiting beliefs stored in the unconscious (where nearly all human behaviour stems from), we align subconscious beliefs with conscious wisdom, bringing about a greater sense of purpose and satisfaction at all levels of our being.
After receiving permission from the client’s Higher Self, I step into their energy field and proceed to find limiting beliefs that are ready to be balanced via kinesiology testing. I go through the balancing process and test to ensure that the belief is now accepted by and properly integrated in both hemispheres of the brain. The session ends by me stepping back out of the client’s energy field, into my own.
This approach is a simple and powerful self-healing system and a form of energy medicine. We find what stress is causing a problem and how we can eliminate it, thereby releasing the number one cause of disease. The stressor/negative emotion is removed from the body which can then heal itself of almost anything. May be used for physical, mental and emotional stressors.
It also includes finding and reprogramming harmful emotions attached to certain memories (caused by our interpretation of events) and that affect our present negatively. We do not erase the memory itself but replace the low vibrational emotion with Divine love and light.
An inspired form of therapy that removes trapped negative emotions, imbalances and heart walls in minutes, healing both body and soul.
Developed by the HeartMath Institute, this tool connects the client with the wisdom of the heart and with intuition to solve problems from a higher level of consciousness.
Based on Lester Levenson’s work, these methods help release emotions like worry and other unpleasant feelings within minutes, if not seconds. Learn how to let go of unnecessary baggage, dysfunctional beliefs and harmful emotions with ease.
Also called muscle testing. For my purpose, I use muscle/kinesiology testing to receive binary, yes or no answers from my client’s subconscious. For instance, food allergies can be identified in this manner.
It is part of the Psych-K and Emotion Code methods in which it helps not only identify but also balance beliefs and release negative emotions. I act as a surrogate, stepping into my client’s energy field, and test myself in lieu of them. In other words, I am acting both as the therapist and the client.
“Irma is the first person I get in touch with if there are any issues, be it personal or health related. To us, she has been nothing less than an angel in disguise. Everything she does and suggests has worked like magic for my family.”
– Suvarna, Canada
Self-Healing Methods
My aim is to help you help yourself and thus becomes more self-reliant. For that purpose, I teach various self-healing and self-help methods to support you in your journey
Smile meditation is based on the comprehensive fundamental theory of Triorigin developed by Prof. Park Jae Woo. It allows the meditating person not only to improve their health and quality of life, but also to actively influence the present and future of their family, working team and society in general. It is effective in treating dependence issues.
I teach the OSM with mudras that are specific to the client’s needs at the time they contact me (identified via kinesiology testing). After the client has practiced the meditation for a certain time, I will determine, again with kinesiology testing, whether it is time to change the mudras and if so, determine the new ones.
Chris Griscom created the Light Meditation and teaches it at her Light Institute in Galisteo, New Mexico. In this active meditation we use white light for healing ourselves, others and the world.
I also teach my version of the Heart Meditation to help you get more grounded and centered, to connect with your intuition and Divine inspiration, to attract abundance and share your love with the world.
Based on this Korean-style acupressure, I instruct my clients on how they can help themselves by massaging specific points that, once unblocked, will allow the chi to flow unimpeded, thus promoting the healing of symptoms.
Can be used for physical pain or emotional distress, incl. PTSD. Stimulation of specific acupressure points by the client, to encourage the blocked energy to flow, while describing both the problems, as well as the solutions in a specific format that I share with the client.
A fun and effective tool that leads you to manage your income in a more creative and satisfying way by setting up accounts for the different areas of life. With the MMM, you expand your sense of possibility, leading to greater abundance.
Money is connected to all aspects of life. When you improve your relationship with money, you improve your relationship with people as well. Your creativity and the quality of your life get a boost.
A traditional Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. Letting go of grudges and resentment towards others is freeing and releases negativity from the practitioner’s system. With Ho’ Oponoponopo, we take responsibility for our part of the equation and look at a conflict or situation from a place of connection and ultimately Oneness.
Designed to reverse aging, these ancient five exercises that predate yoga, have a profound effect on all levels of your being.
“The tools Irma has shared with me help me acknowledge and deal with every emotion I experience. One of my biggest and greatest achievement with Irma has been that I learned to accept every feeling, every thought and every aspect of myself. And how to use these thoughts and emotions to discover my true self.
Thank you, Irma. My gratitude list always covers our connection. 😃”
/-Namrata N., India
“Animal or interspecies communication is the term used to describe the energetic transference of direct knowing and of shared experience. It happens between two beings who are focused on each other and connecting in a state of empathy to be able to deeply understand each other.”
-Anna Breytenbach
Used to communicate with any lifeform telepathically. Animals share information with us telepathically, provided we know how to tune in and how to interpret the information. This can be useful for finding a lost pet, or for figuring out what ails them. We can even ask them what they perceive to be the issues and dynamics in a family system. Animals are very perceptive and know what goes on below the surface in the family they are part of. They are clear about the role they play in that particular system, and they perceive imbalances and dysfunctions in their environment. They can also take on illnesses and even karma from family members to lessen their burden!
I can also employ this form of communication for babies who can’t share their problems via speech yet.
In this process that supports the dissolution of a marriage or a committed relationship, both partners come together to mutually and lovingly release the ties that bind them. This allows them to reclaim their own power and their life as individuals. Dysfunctional relationship patterns get uncovered and dissolved. We help the heart heal so that both parties can move forward and create new and healthy relationships from a place of fulness and wholeness, not neediness, dependence, or trauma.
The process closes with an Uncoupling Ceremony in which the official relationship contract that was sealed with a marriage is dissolved. This is important as we take unfinished contracts, agreements, pledges and promises that we made into other incarnations, where we then tend to go in circles, rather than moving forward and upward in the evolutionary spiral.
We each contain an “internal family” of distinct parts. They can be subdivided in “Exiles, Managers and Firefighters” and they act out their roles in our subconscious, often greatly impacting, and sometimes creating havoc in our lives below the level of our awareness. Discovering them requires detective work. Treating them with curiosity, respect, and empathy expands our capacity to heal. IFS is an empowering, effective and non-pathologizing approach to self-discovery, wellness and transformation.
A creative process that unearths negative emotions and traumatic experiences we have around money. Money is about much more than financial abundance. It is energetically connected to most aspects of our lives, like our sense of self, self-worth, security, trust, shame and also sexuality. Resolving our wounding related to money and finances can be life changing! You also get to know and connect with your own source of inspiration and guidance regarding not just money matters, but all aspects of life.
A form of energy healing in which I use powerful blue light in specific ways to support the body’s self-healing process.
Through kinesiology testing, I can tell you what foods, nutritional supplements and medications are good or harmful for you at the present time.
I take you through guided visualizations to help you attain specific goals.
And More
I continuously learn new methods that I add to my tool kit.
“Irma has helped me understand our rescued dog’s wants, needs and desires as we navigated a family move from the country to the city – ultimately deciding it was best for him to stay at our country home without us. As he told Irma in a remote session ‘I’m a country boy!’ With Irma’s help, his well-being has transformed and we have found a healthy balance where he can retain the freedom, friends and lifestyle he has always known, whilst also relishing having a safe home, and being loved and cared for as an integral part of our family!”
-E. Menon, India